Academic Catalogs
The College Catalog contains information about College academic programs, course descriptions, policies & procedures, student services, fees, directories and other related information.
To navigate the catalog, simply click on the top navigation then click to open the specific content housed within the top navigation.
Trocaire College is committed to the proper implementation of all federal, state, and local legislation in an ever-evolving complex regulatory environment while maintaining the traditions and values of the institution’s mission. This institution aims to affirm the dignity of the individual while pursuing the common good, which parallels the goals and intentions of legal compliance. The Student Affairs Division fosters a safe environment by upholding the legal principles found in student-related mandated state and federal compliance initiatives.
The following compliance programs and/or reports are available:
Annual Security (Clery Act)
Title IX (non-discrimination) and NYS Education Law 129B (Enough is Enough)
Drug and Alcohol Information and Prevention Report
Non-Discrimination Statement
Trocaire College does not discriminate in admission, employment, in the administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other institutionally administered programs, on the basis of an individual’s actual or perceived, race, color, creed, religion, religious practice, national origin, ethnic group, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, political affiliation, age, marital status, military status, veterans status, disability, domestic violence victim status, genetic information or any other basis prohibited by New York state and/or federal non-discrimination laws. Retaliation against an individual because he or she made a complaint, testified or participated in any manner in an investigation or proceeding relative to such compliant will not be tolerated and is unlawful under Civil Rights laws.