Consumer Information

This page provides prospective students, current students and employees with information about Trocaire College in accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act. Visit the HEOA Website for more information.

General Institutional Information

Trocaire College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 1007 North Orange Street, 4th Floor MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801 Phone: 267. 284.5000, General Concerns:, Complaints: The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

June 13, 2023

Public Notice

In March of 2023 Trocaire College submitted a Complex Substantive Change request to the Middle States Commission on Higher Education seeking approval to acquire certain assets of Medaille University.  In May of 2023 Trocaire College terminated its agreement with Medaille University to acquire certain assets and withdrew the Complex Substantive Change request.

Trocaire College has been asked to provide Middle States with a Supplemental Information Report by June 30, 2023 on its status subsequent to its decision to terminate the agreement with Medaille, specifically: “To request a supplemental information report, due June 30, 2023, providing information on the impact of the withdrawal of the complex substantive change request on the institution.” 

This notice is meant to provide the public and all Trocaire College constituents the opportunity to submit third party comments regarding Trocaire College’s compliance with standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, policies and procedures, and applicable federal regulatory requirements.  Third party comments are those comments submitted to the Middle States Commission on Higher Education outside of official communications between an institution and the Commission. Third party comments are considered at times when an institution is completing a self-study evaluation, follow-up report, candidacy, or grant of accreditation. In this instance, public comments are considered in light of the Supplemental Information Report that has been requested.

Third Party Comments should be directed to:

Comments submitted without this form completed in its entirety will not be reviewed.


Student Financial Assistance

The two major sources are the Federal Pell program and the State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). Please note: Anyone convicted and having completed incarceration for a forcible or non-forcible sexual offense is ineligible to receive a Federal Pell grant.

Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations: A federal or state drug conviction can disqualify a student for Federal Student Aid (FSA) funds.  The student self-certifies in applying for aid that he/she is eligible.  A conviction for any offense involving sale or possession of illegal drugs that occurred during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving Title IV aid will result in loss of eligibility for any Title IV, HEA grant, loan or work-study assistance.  A student regains eligibility the day after the period of ineligibility ends or when he successfully completes a qualified drug rehabilitation program.  HEA Section 484(r), 34 CFR 668.40

Health and Safety

Student Outcomes

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement

Trocaire College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) to offer online programs. Participation in SARA represents an agreement to maintain comparable standards for online education among member states, districts, and territories. More information can be found on the the SARA web page.

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement

Trocaire College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.


Genesee Community College
GCC students who have successfully completed the AAS RN program at GCC and passed the NCLEX exam will have the potential to complete their BSN with Trocaire College in as little as 12 months.

Voter Registration

  • Trocaire College encourages all students to get registered and vote. Voter Registration forms are available anytime by stopping into the Office of Student Affairs. You can also access this Voting Resources webpage for more up-to-date information.

Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)*
Teacher Preparation Program Report*

Note: Items which include an asterisk (*) beside them are not applicable to Trocaire College.