Title IX and Non-Discrimination Resources
Trocaire College is dedicated in creating and maintaining a working and learning environment which is free of discrimination and intimidation. All complaints of discrimination and harassment will be thoroughly investigated to determine whether the totality of the alleged behavior and circumstances may constitute harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, sexual assault or sexual violence or a form of misconduct.
Trocaire College is fully committed to ensuring that its Campus is a place where students and employees are able to feel secure in their physical safety and their emotional well-being. Any act involving sexual harassment, violence, coercion, and intimidation will not be tolerated on or off campus between students. Specifically, Trocaire strictly prohibits the offenses of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault (rape), and stalking.
It is the policy of Trocaire that, upon learning that an act of sexual misconduct has taken place, immediate action will be taken to address the situation. This includes working with state and local law enforcement to bring possible criminal charges and seeking disciplinary action through the College. Trocaire is committed to providing options, support and assistance to students who report incidents of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, and or stalking. For further information, please contact:

Civil Rights Compliance Officer/ Title IX Coordinator
Shani Smith, MBA, MPA
Mercy Center L-04A
Section 106.45(b) of the 2020 Final Title IX Rules require the sharing of “All materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process.”
Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence & Stalking
Resources to Help
Trocaire is committed to protecting the confidentiality of victims/survivors, and will work closely with students who wish to obtain private/confidential assistance regarding an incident of sexual misconduct. Certain professionals at the College are permitted by law to offer confidentiality, and those who do not maintain that privilege are expected to keep reports private to the extent permitted under the law and College policy. This means that they may have to report to College officials, but will not broadcast the information beyond what is required by law and policy. All allegations will be investigated promptly and thoroughly, and both the victim/survivor and the Accused Student will be afforded equitable rights during the investigative process.
Confidential Resources
Individuals who are confidential resources will not report crimes to law enforcement or college officials without your permission except for extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency. On the Trocaire College campus, our confidential resource is Kathleen Saunders, Interim Director of Wellness.
Student Services | Counseling Services
Trocaire College offers individual counseling appointments to all students free of charge. For many, the college years mark an important time of personal growth and change. Individual counseling can help you improve your ability to manage life stressors in more healthy ways to work towards reaching your full potential. It is the goal of counseling services to help students achieve personal, social, and academic success.
Confidential Resources Within the Community
Off-campus options to disclose sexual violence confidentially include (note that these outside options do not provide any information to the campus):
- Crisis Services
- New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault
- Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
- Legal Momentum
- New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- Pandora’s Project
- GLBTQ Domestic Violence Project
- Safe Horizons
Note that these hotlines are for crisis intervention, resources, and referrals, and are not reporting mechanisms, meaning that disclosure on a call to a hotline does not provide any information to the campus. Reporting Individuals are encouraged to additionally contact a campus confidential or private resource so that the campus can take appropriate action in these cases.
How to Report a Violation
Non-Confidential Resources
The following college officials can offer privacy and can provide information about remedies, accommodations, evidence preservation, and how to obtain resources. These officials will also provide the information contained in the Students’ Bill of Rights, including the right to choose when and where to report, to be protected by the institution from retaliation, and to receive assistance and resources from the institution.
These college officials will disclose that they are private and not confidential resources and they may still be required by law and college policy to inform one or more college officials about the incident, including but not limited to the Title IX Coordinator. They will notify Reporting Individuals that the criminal justice process uses different standards of proof and evidence than internal procedures, and questions about the penal law or the criminal process should be directed to law enforcement or district attorney:
- Civil Rights Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator, Mercy Center L-04A, 716.827.2461
- VP Enrollment and Student Affairs, 360 Choate, Avenue, Room 121, 716.827.2445
- Security (for all locations), 360 Choate Avenue., 716.827.2500; Transit Road 716.827.4300
In addition to these disclosure/reporting options, Reporting Individuals also have the right:
- To file a criminal complaint with local law enforcement and/or state police:
- City of Buffalo Police Department Headquarters: 716.851.4444, 74 Franklin Street Buffalo, NY 14202
- Town of Lancaster Police Department: 716.683.2800, 525 Pavement Rd., Lancaster, NY 14086
- State police 24-hour hotline to report sexual assault on a NY college campus: 1.844.845.7269.
Important Resources
Students’ Bill of Rights
Affirmative Consent
Related Policies
- Policy #124: Policy Against Sexual Violence, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence & Stalking
- Policy #329: Transcript Notations and Appeal Policy for Crimes of Violence
- Policy #604: Student Drug and Alcohol Policy
- Policy #605: Judicial Appeals Board
- Policy #875: Policy Against Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Harassment Compliant Form
Campus Climate Survey Results
- 2016 Student Campus Climate Survey Results
- 2018 Student Campus Climate Survey Results
- 2020 Student Campus Climate Survey Results
- 2023 Student Campus Climate Survey Results
Non-Discrimination Statement
Trocaire College does not discriminate in admission, employment, in the administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other institutionally administered programs, on the basis of an individual’s actual or perceived, race, color, creed, religion, religious practice, national origin, ethnic group, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, political affiliation, age, marital status, military status, veteran status, disability, domestic violence victim status, genetic information or any other basis prohibited by New York state and/or federal non-discrimination laws. Retaliation against an individual because he or she made a complaint, testified or participated in any manner in an investigation or proceeding will not be tolerated and is unlawful under Civil Rights laws.
The College’s policy is in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and harassment, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the New York State Human Rights Law.
Inquiries concerning the college’s non-discrimination policies should be directed to:
Civil Rights Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator
Mercy Center L-04A
Buffalo, NY 14220
For further information on notice of non-discrimination, please contact:
New York Office
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
32 Old Slip, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10005-2500
Telephone: 646.428.3900
Fax: 646.428.3843; TDD: 800.877.8339
Related Policies
Pregnant and Parenting Students
Pregnant students are encouraged to meet and work with the Title IX Coordinator. Students with pregnancy-related disability, like any student with a short-term or temporary disability, are entitled to reasonable accommodations so that they will not be disadvantaged in their courses of study and may seek assistance from the Title IX Coordinator. Pregnant students may voluntarily choose to withdraw from the course or program without penalty.
In accordance with Title IX students are also allowed time to pump breastmilk. For more information and resources for pumping breastmilk at Trocaire or a clinical location please contact the Title IX Coordinator.