October Alumni Spotlight: Jamie Stasiak ’11
Name: Jamie Stasiak
Grad Year: 2011
Program: Radiologic Technology
Current Title: Program Coordinator, Windsong Radiology Group PC
In her own words:
“Regarding my decision to go to Trocaire and the opportunities my degree has opened up for me: I can’t say enough.
My decision to go back to school was very difficult, it was a fine balance of work, family, and being a full-time student. The faculty and staff at Trocaire are very dedicated to the students. They made you feel that if you failed, they failed. This type of teaching made it so much more important for me not to disappoint. Without their guidance and support, I don’t believe I would have done so well.
I was a clinical student at Windsong Radiology, and that is when I realized that this was one of the employers I would love to work for. Thankfully, I was able to secure a job directly out of college and have been here ever since. I have been able to advance multiple times since starting in 2011, and can see myself retiring from this company. I have many people to thank for their continued support and beliefs in me to do the right thing, and to make the best decisions for the patients that allow us to serve them.
As the program coordinator for the Windsong Mobile Mammography truck, I wear many hats. I would first like to say, I cannot do any of what I do without the support of the Mobile team members. The dedication of this exceptional group of ladies is what keeps us rolling daily. Without them I cannot be the best “me”. The tasks of the coordinator are to keep the truck and mammography equipment in compliance with all state and federal regulating agencies, find event locations, work closely with community members to coordinate parking, work with primary care providers and other providers to help get overdue patients screened, perform mammograms, and so much more!
Mobile mammography allows patients to have access to a screening mammogram close to home. We travel for you so you don’t have to. Our Mobile Unit has the same 3D imaging as our brick and mortar facilities, and the technologists are the same ladies who work in the offices daily. The same radiologists that read your mammograms at the offices will be reading the exams performed on the Mobile Unit.
Mammograms cannot be read same day, but if there is a need for any further imaging, patients are contacted within 24-48 hours by a member of the Mobile team. Patients will also receive a letter in the mail with their results.