2019 Faculty Initiative Grant Spotlight: Dr. Amy Breski

Name and Credentials
Amy Breski, Ph.D. Psychology
Course Grant is Being Developed in:
PSY101 General Psychology
Other Courses Taught:
Trocaire: PSY 101 General Psychology; PSY102 Developmental Psychology; PSY201 Abnormal Psychology; PSY303 Organizational Psychology; GS100 College Seminar; and SOC101 Sociology.
Capella University graduate courses: PSY5002 & PSY5005 Foundations of Theory and Practice for Master’s Psychology Learners
2019 Faculty Initiative Grant project:
My grant project will integrate student’s previous knowledge and/or personal experience with psychologically based subject matter to increase students’ understanding of psychological concepts and research problems. I will also use refutational research and/or lectures, for example, a misconception is brought to the attention of the class, then refuted with evidence given by the instructor, which will assist the students in development of their critical thinking skills regarding psychological concepts and research.
How will this project benefit Student Success?
Trocaire College’s Mission Statement includes goals that will empower students towards “personal enrichment, dignity, and self-worth” in the educational process, thereby preparing students “for service in the universal community.” Thus, my project goals are trifold:
First, I am hopeful that this initiative will improve student learning through the application of refutational research, which can assist students in comprehension and retention of complex concepts thereby increasing critical thinking skills.
Second, I am hopeful that this initiative will improve retention rates through the use of students personal experience with the subject matter, which will increasing self-reflection, and deeper thinking, which can be transferable to the workplace.
Lastly, through this active learning process, I am hopeful that the student will demonstrate self-discovery, self-growth, and take pride in their accomplishments, while developing a sense of team work, which is sought after by many employers.
Ph.D., Philosophy: General Psychology, Major: Adult Development
Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Capella University
M.S.Ed., Education: Mental Health Counselor
St. Bonaventure University
BS,Community and Human Services, Major Family Studies
State University of New York
AOS, Legal Administrative
Bryant and Stratton College
Time at Trocaire:
Hired December 2012 as an adjunct, full-time appointment January 2016. I have been with Trocaire College over 6 years.
Teaching Philosophy:
I believe through instructor guidance and student-driven discussions, the educational system promotes the development of student learning and critical thinking skills. I believe the classroom is a community and a tool for students to understand challenging concepts through practical application. This is accomplished through multiple instructional methods like linguistic, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, while integrating faculty and student collaborations, student personal experiences, refutational lectures/research, and module-based learning with scaffolding assignments.
Research/Academic Interests:
Academic interests: Innovative learning techniques; collaborative student learning; practical applications of scientific research; using personal student experience and refutational lectures to increase student comprehension of complex concepts; scaffolding assignments and module-based learning to maximize and enhance student’s critical thinking skills.
Behavioral research interests: Developmental psychology focusing on family issues such as parenting, addictions, child neglect/maltreatment/abuse, domestic violence, and mental health; developmental theories applied such as Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory (1968/1980/1986), Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory (1979/1986), Mary Ainsworth’s Attachment Theory (1986), John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory (1969/1988), and William Goode’s Role Strain Theory (1960), and Cherlin and Furstenberg Parenting Styles (1986).
Trocaire College Faculty Grant Winner 2018
Distinguished Alumni Award 2018- Bryant and Stratton College
Nominated for the following Trocaire College Faculty Senate Awards: Part-time Educator Award 2015, Patricia A. Lavender Distinguished Educator Award 2016 & 2017
Expert Interview Article Publication: (2018)- Rehab links: “Recovery is Possible”.
Breski, A. (2016). A generic qualitative inquiry of grandparenting by custodial grandmothers with one or two grandchildren (Order No. 10196138). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1851276446). Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1851276446?accountid=36783
Research Presentations:
Trocaire College TIEL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016; Capella University 2017; Niagara University CCTL Conference on Teaching and Learning 2018.
Hobbies/Interests outside of work:
Volunteering for Children’s Guild Foundation and our students; novice watercolorist, acrylic mediums, and clay sculptor. Love to write poetry and short essays. I am also a novice playwright- hoping to finish my first script in the next year or two. I love traveling with my husband and children, and having fun! I also love to play and walk my doggie Buddy Bear, and play withand train my pet rats (too many to list)!